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Saturday, June 29, 2013

Lady Mechanika/Saga

I recently acquired by very first Kindle which has allowed for great amounts of in-class distractions in the form of comic books. The two i've read so far are Lady Mechanika by Joe Benitez and Saga by Brian Vaughn and Fiona Staples. Lady Mechanika takes place in 17th century Europe and revolves around a sexy part-machine main character with super-human abilities struggling to unravel the mysteries of her past. What attracted me to it straight-away was the Michael Turner -esque art style which i've loved ever since Aspen and Soulfire. 

The second series, which has won my heart as a new favorite, is Saga. According to Wikipedia Saga has been described as "Star Wars meets Games of Thrones" which naturally engaged my immediate attention. The story is set in a science fiction/fantasy dystopia where war has extended its grasp over the entire galaxy. Against all odds, two young soldiers from opposing factions fall in love and have a child and must now escape the bounty hunters set forth to destroy any possibility of a future for their newborn daughter.  What I found most intriguing about the graphic novel is the character design which is both incredibly strange and delightfully charming. 

Also being read is the original Batman: The Dark Knight Returns and The Manhattan Projects. 

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

The Santa Fe Photo/Drinking Excursion

A Marble Wildflower Wheat at the Santa Fe Tap Room on the Plaza

Recently I was joined by my wonderful camera comrades for a trip to Santa Fe via the train. The initial idea was to have a creative adventure made up of photographic playtime. The reality of the trip, which I foresaw coming, was simply a very long drinking game spanning from 8am until 8pm that night. It is also important to state, however, that it was awesome. Needless to say, I didn't get too many photos :/
A Marble Beer Flight at the Santa Fe Tap Room on the Plaza

The most awesome dog to ever wear an aviator jacket

My love on the train to Santa Fe

Friday, January 11, 2013

Pixelated Cross-Stich: Super Meat Boy

The first of many embroidered pixel art pieces was completed just before Christmas in time to be turned into the most time-consuming holiday card i've yet created.  It is, of course, a tribute to the tedious "love story" between Meat Boy and Bandage Girl. The piece measures roughly 8"x 5" and consumed an estimated 16-18 hours.

The projects I have planned in the near future are going to be quite a but smaller and possibly formulated to fit in small frames or turned into patches. You can probably make an educated guess as what the next project is laid out to be...

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