I think for awhile I simply had forgotten I even had this blog x_x
Its not like I have any readers, which is partly on purpose so that I can avoid writing myself a slew of embarrassments then hearing about it all later over dinner. What do I have to say at this time? Oh, just the usual. My job is sucking the happiness out of me, school organization for fall is stressing me to no end, and I have a small variety of emotional friend conflicts which i'm trying hard to solve.
I like to sometimes think that all my effort and hard work will eventually pay off. I suppose in some respects, it will but I also cant help but think that all my work is in vain. As a person who cherishes efficiency its hard to wrap my mind around the emotional loops I keep catching myself in.
Sadly my head is hurting from my jog and the current conversation im having with a very distraught friend. *sigh* So here's a picture of my cat and I (just because).
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