Photography - Since the beginning of 2012 my number of photo projects has dropped to below half of what last year heralded in. This is one thing I am changing rather immediately with a shoot tentatively scheduled for this afternoon as well as at least 2 more in the coming week. I want to build up a portfolio of almost completely new material before years end which will no doubt take some time, research and effort.
Music - I've wanted to start creating music for some time now but that time may be well off into the future still. What I have been doing is practicing basic pieces at the piano so as to work at the rustyness i've acquired through years of laziness. Eventually once my skills are up to par, I want to start putting together my own breed of dark-electro/chip-tune/EBM awesomeness.
Video work - This is tied in with photography a bit but I want to start making dark short films with the feel of a Tool music video.
Writing - This blog. Enough said.
(speaking of writing, I'm exhausted and am going to go back to watching Breaking Bad)
I will make a valiant effort to update with more photos and less ADD yammering from here on out.
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