So many things filling in the gaps of time between work and school, so much in fact, that its become a bit overwhelming to think about without some sort of written organizational schedule thing. So anyways, for my personal online reference, what is all in progress or soon to be happening?
Video Games
Just recently beat Arkham Asylum which I thought was quite fantastic and pulled me away from Assassins Creed for quite some time. As I have told many people, the fighting style of AA is how I wished Desmond would have laid it down within in the Animus in the first AC.
Speaking of which, I will be back and finishing up AC as well as Halo:Combat Evolved, Gears of War, and Half Life as well as putting in some time with Minecraft, BlazBlue and Skullgirls. I am looking forward to picking up Guild Wars II when the time rolls around and hopefully sneaking Diablo III away from a friend long enough to give it a play-through.
My artistic endeavors have been horribly lacking in the last couple of years and I am very much hoping to make a real effort in the coming months to reverse that. The number one project on the list is the illustration and writing of a short ongoing graphic novel. Ive had a few ideas floating around my head, all of which are currently far too complex for any sort of audience but its all a work in progress. Besides the drawing I am also wanting to work more with fabric by creating simple things for everyday wear as well as going deeper down the cosplay road.
My first officially completed cosplay was done for A-kon 23 and was worn in conjunction with a friend of mine. The idea was pulled from the Uncharted games, 2 & 3 in particular, and our characters were Nathan Drake and Chloe Frazer. The costumes were pulled together a month before the con but upon seeing many fantastic cosplays both online and inperson as well as having our photo creep up on Cosplay America, i'm convinced that my costume construction will not see an end.
Graphic novels have been my main reading materials besides school books and those have even been a bit shy in volume. Currently, I am reading the 1st omnibus of Hack/Slash which is a fantastic horror themed novel featuring a personal hero of mine; the gorgeous goth-girl badass,
Cassie Hack. The graphic novel itinerary is as follows:
- Transmetropolitan
- The Nikopol Trilogy
- Y:The Last Man
- Sandman
- The Umbrella Academy
In terms of novels the books are also sadly stacking up:
- Neuromancer
- Speaker for the Dead
- The Time Machine
- War of the Worlds
Besides the school-related focus on Algebra and technical writing, i've picked up a few books geared towards my future Computer Science focus.
I feel like most things are going over my head in the first chapter of "Learning Java" but i'm also feeling fairly confident that things will start falling into place once the jargon i'm tripping over gets defined. Just this evening I ordered a copy of "Unix in a Nutshell", something i'm rather excited to read into so that my Macs and I can become better friends :3
To be continued...